The Department of Contemporary Dance at UGD is led by the Dean of the Film Academy, Full-time Professor, Risima Risimkin, PhD. This study program opened in September 2017.


From October 2021 Skopje/Shtip Dance Academy at the Goce Delchev University, which otherwise operates in Skopje and is run by full-time Professor Risima Risimkin, PhD, will start with Master’s Degree in Contemporary Dance Choreography and Education, one-year or two-year program, depending on previous education.


The UGD Contemporary Dance Department, led by Full-time Professor PhD Risima Risimkin, opened in September 2017 as part of the Film Academy. This program was brought to Macedonia through the Intertart Cultural Center, which in 2008 signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with the Rotterdam Dance Academy at CODARTS University in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.


Технички секретар / Секретар

Снежана Бардарова
Тел: +389 32 550 980
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Адреса: ул. „Крсте Мисирков“ бр. 10-А
Пош. фах 201, Штип - 2000, Р.Македонија

Студентски прашања

Милена Цацкова

Тел: +389 32 550 062

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Филмска академија

Department of Contemporary Dance map